Import Outlook Express .DBX Files Into Windows 7 Windows Live Mail

I had a client over the weekend that had a computer crash which required a new computer to be configured and old data imported. The old computer was Windows XP and the new computer was Windows 7 so one of the things to import was Outlook Express email into the new Windows 7 Windows Live Mail. The directions below will assist in importing the Outlook Express .DBX files into Windows Live Mail.
Import Outlook Express .DBX Files Into Windows Live Mail:
  1. Create Temp Folder: Under the user account you want to import the .DBX files into create a new folder called something like outlook-express-mail underneath the “My Documents” folder as shown in the below image   

  2. Copy DBX Files: Now transfer the Outlook Express .DBX files you want to import into Windows Live Mail into the new folder we created in step 1 as shown in the below image.

  3. Begin DBX Import: Open Windows Live Mail to begin the Outlook Express DBX file import by clicking File in the navigation menu, selecting Import from the drop down, and then clicking Messages as shown in the below image.

  4. Import From Selection: After clicking Messages from the above menu the Windows Live Mail import will begin and you will be required to first select the program that the you are importing from which in this case is Outlook Express 6 as shown in the below image.

  5. Location of Messages: After selecting the import type and clicking the Next button from the example above you will be required to browse to the location of the email messages or in the case of Outlook Express 6 the location of the DBX files as shown in the below image. Browse to the location of the DBX files that we created in step 1 and then click the Next button.

  6. Select Folders: After analyzing the DBX files in the folder specified you will be required to select the actual email folders you want to import as shown in the below images. In this example we have chosen All Folders however you can go through and individually select only the folders you want to import and then click the Next button.

  7. Windows Live Mail Import Process: After clicking the Next button above the import process will begin and a window like the below image will display for each folder selected to import into Windows Live Mail.

  8. Import Complete: Once all of the folders have been imported the below window will display after which you should verify that all of the mail is displayed in the proper folders under the Imported Mail folders in Windows Live Mail.

Your Outlook Express email will now be available within Windows Live Mail on your Windows 7 computer.
